Friday, March 17, 2006

Thursday Morning, woke up, bathed and went to Changi beach with my family for an overnight stay...Went there and set up out the huge 8 men tent....Felt great on the 1st day but boredom started to set in and resulted in me being unable to sleep till 2 in the morning...cos I went somewhere and watched people fish...used to be my hobby..

Took hundreds of pictures btw....oh yeah

The next day, literally slept the whole day till 5pm....that was when I realized that the we were goin to spend another night there again...Went home with my Bibik cos some necessary items were needed...I requested to officially go home but Mum said I went home still but only because I wanted to grab my guitar and upload Green Day into my Mum's 'Malay Song' infested Mp3.....and also to free up some space on the camera's SD..

Was supposed to go to Creative today but too bad cos family's 1st....only home for 2 hours here so I gotta go kinda soon cos there's gonna be somekind of BBQ there...famly one lah...

Feeling bored here cos only smsed 2 guys, Shahril and if maybe some of u guys wanna keep me entertained, go interact with me at 91080525...start at 9.30pm


Bet I will be asleep only at 2 again tonight....